The end. New beginning?

Well, the last few days have been fairly uneventful. The cold is slowly healing, but slowly. It made me feel spaced out and fairly tired, without much enthusiasm for making the most of these last few days. There was an indie pop night tonight at a well known alternative club I could have gone to, … Continue reading The end. New beginning?

Cajón del Maipo

This last week I partially succeeded in making the most of the tail-end of this trip to explore the Cajón del Maipo, a valley to the south-east easily accessible from Santiago as a 4/5 days getaway. I say partially as I came down with a cold which I have been nursing for the last 2 days … Continue reading Cajón del Maipo

Cerro la Campana and going full circle

A new post the day after the previous one. Incredible. Well, as I said before, I now have a proper computer and keyboard which makes catching up quicker and easier. I have indeed gone full circle and, 158 days and 8535 km since I started from Santiago on the 9th November, I am now back … Continue reading Cerro la Campana and going full circle